As you are taking and refining photos for the 2024 Nature Competition, consider entering one in the new category, Intimate Landscapes.
Images submitted in the Intimate Landscapes category need to derive their subject matter from smaller details within a larger scene. The image breaks the scene down into smaller elements (i.e., shapes, objects, lines, color, texture, patterns, light) highlighting the aspects of the landscape that resonate with the photographer.
Examples of an Intimate Landscape photo would be: part of a mountain or other natural feature; an image of one or more trees, bushes or flowers; the way the light hits a particular set of dunes. While the sky isn’t always shown, it can be present in the image. Keep in mind, if your nature image is abstract, it should be submitted to the Photo Art competition.
Along with Intimate Landscapes, the Nature Competition also has categories for Birds, Macro/Close up, Water, and Grand Landscapes. For definitions of these categories, please visit our Nature Competition page.
The Nature Competition accepts entries in August and September each year. Subject matter is related to birds, wildlife, macro, water, grand landscapes, and intimate landscapes.
Each club member may able to submit up to six (6) photographs into the Nature Competition.