2023 Photo Art Competition, People Category Farmer with horse on a hill at dawn by Gerry Bishop - CCCYoung girl with dog by Gerry Bishop - CCCWoman walking on pathway by Gerry Bishop - CCCA Lost Cause by Butch Mazzuca - CCCThe Coquette by Butch Mazzuca - CCCFilm Noir by Butch Mazzuca - CCCA few of my favorite things by William Shaw - CCCWorking the Line by Audrey Gassman - LPCHeading Home by Sidney Stone - LPCWinter Fishing in the Potomac River by Andy Hoyle - LRAMorning Stillness by Ben Green - LRAA Misty Journey by Ben Green - LRABass Face by James Ward - MWCCFood Truck Vendor on National Mall by Dick Knapp - NBCCWilliamsburg Brooklyn Hasidim by Dick Knapp - NBCCRemembering by Donald Tobin - NBCCPassing Time by Donald Tobin - NBCCWoman with Pipe by Kathryn Moorman - NBCCAt the Whitney Museum by Peter Dunner - NBCCBoulangerie, Paris by Peter Dunner - NBCCParis Metro by Peter Dunner - NBCCAu Cafe by Peter Dunner - NBCCMemento Mori by Smita Parida - NBCCSilhouette and Lines by David Terao - NIHCCBallerina by Jim Turner - NIHCCAmelia by Jim Turner - NIHCCCrabbing on the Bay by Kim Norris - NIHCCLancaster by Kim Norris - NIHCCFinal touches by Rhina Cabezas - NIHCCStepping Up by Stan Collyer - NIHCCCherokee Man by Brenda Wilson - NVPSIris by Catherine Wang - NVPSSummer Fun by Colena Turner - NVPSCowgirl and Horses by David Crooks - NVPSPride by David Kravitz - NVPSQuito Fabric Artist by David Kravitz - NVPSWoman with a Fan by John Nash - NVPSFriendship Up Close by Judith Guenther - NVPSA reader on the ferry by Kieulan Nguyen - NVPSFishing on Inle Lake, Myanmar by Kieulan Nguyen - NVPSJammin' by Mike Whalen - VPSOtherwise Engaged by Rena Schild - NVPSEating An Orange by Robin Weisz - NVPSHigh Tide, Alexandria by Suzy McIntire - NVPSMorning Commute by Wayne Guenther - NVPSGirl Without a Pearl Earring by Gary Perlow - VPSMermaid Dreams by Lori Saunders - VPSMia In Golden Light by Lori Saunders - VPSPeople Looking for Bears & Wolves From the Hill Top by Wayne Wolfersberger - VPS