2023 Nature Competition, Birds Category Heron's Catch by Elizabeth Mulcahy - NVPSNatural Sparks by Art Cole - MWCCLilac Breasted Roller in flight by Marie Plummer - MWCCPelican by Jan Master - LRASunbathing Beauty by Terri Lannigan - NVPSPuffin Run by Glenn Mai - VPSRobbin in Snow by Ellis Rosenberg - LRASnake Snack by Art Cole - MWCCNeedlefish Delivery by Stan Bysshe - NVPSNegotiations by Barbara Travis - NVPSMallard Duck Head by Andy Hoyle - LRACattle Egret by Curtis Gibbens - NVPSWinter Goldfinch by William Shaw - CCCCheeky by William Corbett - NVPSSlaty Flowerpiercer by Amanda Saunders - MWCCPelican with Beak of Sardines by Bernice Lewis - LPCEgret Elegance by Rena Schild - NVPSGreat Blue Heron with Catch Reflected by Chet Stein - NBCCOn The Move by Mike Whalen - NVPSCloaca Kissing House Wrens by Wayne Wolfersberger - VPSTawny Baby by Amanda Saunders - MWCCNo Cloud Cuckoo Land by Bill Mugg - VPSMorning Sip by Stan Bysshe - NVPSSnowgoose Blastoff by Thomas A Loucks - CCCGHO Kill by Glenn Mai - VPSDancing Queen by Sarah Skerker - MWCCCrab's Get Away by Wayne Wolfersberger - VPSEmergence from the Water by Brenda Wilson - NVPSOn the Hunt by Eva Lanyi - NVPSFocused by Ken Whittaker - CCCScolding by Jerry Koons - MWCCWhat, No Food by Stan Bysshe - NVPSWhitenecked Jacobins by Sarah Skerker - MWCCPuffin Power by Eva Lanyi - NVPSStolen by Marie Plummer - MWCCAttention All by Jeanne Mitcho - MWCCStretching Their Wings by David Kravitz - VPSA Sweet Drink by Brenda Gollaher - MWCCDownward Glide by William Corbett - NVPSYellow-billed Kite Mating by Jack Nevitt - MWCCCardinality by Thomas A Loucks - CCCProthonotary Warbler by William Shaw - CCCMom's Not Impressed by Patricia Berry - LPCSing Out Loud by Catherine Wang - NVPSAntarctic Garner 8 by Gene Garner - MWCCMarching Orders by James Ward - MWCCWinter Cradinal by William Kang - NVPSEarly Morning Reflections 3 by Gwen Bowden - VPSLilac-breasted Roller by Jack Nevitt - MWCCYummy Snail by Eva Lanyi - NVPSCatfish! by William Corbett - NVPSAtlantic Puffin by Michele Dandrea Lowell - LRASitting Pretty by Jill Randell - NBCCFresh Catch by Clark Barker - NVPSWinter Bird by William Kang - NVPSSunrise Escape by Jerry Koons - MWCCBananaquit Flower by Amanda Saunders - MWCCHeadlong by William Corbett - NVPSBest Kingfisher by Jack Nevitt - MWCCPortrait of White Egret by Jim Wolfe - CCCGood Catch by Jan Master - LRA